Tuesday, October 16, 2012

critical analysis

                                                                      "Against Schools"

     In his article Gatto attempts to convince the reader that the real reason behind the school system in America and how they are designed is to make us better citizens rather than to educate us. He also argues that this is in favor of our economy and government. Gatto does not do a good job in delivering his message because he fails to use strong supporting evidence. Gatto also confesses at the beginning of his article that he had his teaching license taken away which leads the reader to believe that he might be holding some sort of resentment against the school system and that decreases his credibility.

   Gatto uses examples such as Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln and other presidents of the U.S.A and describes that these people were educated without going to school and thus we do not need school in order to be educated. This is a weak argument because these people lived in a different time period. Another reason why Gatto's argument is weak is because he uses out dated sources dating back to the 1800's.